Keys to the 180° System

  1. Comprehensive Assessment: The program begins with a comprehensive assessment of the athlete’s physical condition, including strength,mobility, flexibility, and any existing injuries or limitations. This helps in tailoring the training and therapy to their specific needs.

  2. Performance Therapy: Injury Prevention: Performance therapists focus on identifying and addressing potential injury risks. They help athletes correct movement patterns, strengthen vulnerable areas, and provide techniques to reduce the risk of injury. Rehabilitation: For athletes recovering from injuries, performance therapy can expedite the healing process and ensure a safe return to sports. Pain Management: Athletes often deal with chronic pain or discomfort. Performance therapists can provide pain relief and management strategies to keep them at their best.

  3. Performance Training: Strength and Conditioning: Performance training includes strength and conditioning exercises that enhance an athlete’s physical capabilities. This can improve speed, power, and endurance. Skill Development: Training in specific sports skills and techniques can sharpen the athlete’s abilities. Mental Conditioning: Mental toughness is crucial in sports. Performance training may include mental strategies to help athletes stay focused, manage stress, and maintain confidence during competition.

  4. Holistic Approach: The combination of therapy and training takes a holistic approach, considering the athlete’s physical and mental well-being. This addresses not only the immediate performance needs but also long-term health and longevity in the sport.

  5. Communication and Coordination: The program ensures close communication between therapists and trainers. This collaboration allows for a seamless transition between therapy and training phases, ensuring that the athlete’s progress is closely monitored and adjustments are made as needed.

  6. Individualized Programs: Each athlete’s program is customized to their unique goals, challenges, and current physical condition. This individualization is essential for optimizing performance.

  7. Monitoring and Evaluation: Regular assessments and evaluations track progress and make adjustments to the program as necessary. This ensures that athletes continue to improve and stay healthy.

  8. Time Efficiency: Combining therapy and training in one program can be time-efficient, as athletes don’t need to travel to separate facilities for these services. This convenience can lead to better adherence to the program.

Overall, the integration of performance therapy and performance training in one program bridges the gaps for athletes by optimizing their physical health, skill development, and mental resilience. This comprehensive approach is designed to maximize an athlete’s potential and minimize the risk of injury, leading to improved overall performance.


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